Government Grant Identification, Proposal Development and Compliance Reporting
Government Grant Identification, Proposal Development and Compliance Reporting
Government grant writing is a highly specialized skill that requires a great deal of experience, as well as meticulous attention to detail. Moreover, going after the wrong government grant opportunity will not only waste valuable staff time, but can put your organization on the road to “mission creep” moving your nonprofit away from its program priorities.
RootSource Fundraising has years of experience identifying suitable funding possibilities, reviewing eligibility guidelines and requirements for appropriate fit, and collecting and integrating statistical data, program descriptions, logic models, evidence-based methodologies and certifications necessary for developing a well written and competitive government grant proposal.
Government RFP Research, Identification & Evaluation for Fit
The regulations for submitting government applications are many times long and involved, and require an understanding of how to interpret them correctly to ensure that your nonprofit actually is a good fit for that funding opportunity.
Moreover, finding an appropriate government funding opportunity can be like searching for the proverbial “needle in a haystack” as numerous government entities, local, state and federal, have funding available at various times of the year on each of their websites. So where do you go?
RootSource Fundraising will conduct the prospecting work for government grant opportunities that align with your organization’s mission and needs. We have knowledge of the various online sites to search, and experience interpreting eligibility guidelines, service deliverables and certification criteria to make sure a certain government grant opportunity is a viable option for your organization.
Government Grant Proposal Writing and Applications
Government grants are far more competitive than private foundation grants and usually require substantial paperwork including:
Application Forms; Budgets and Budget Narratives, Memoranda of Understanding (MOU)
Logic Models; Goal, Measurable Objective and Activity Charts
Demographic information on the population being served
Lobbying and Indirect Cost Certifications, etc.
These grants also require additional work related to registering and certifying your organization with the government, including acquiring a DUNS Number, a government account on the various grant submission sites and SAM Registration. Teamwork is absolutely critical to developing a successful government grant, and RootSource Fundraising will work with your staff and oversee all the essential elements and document requirements needed for producing an effective, competitive proposal.
Tracking of Deliverables, Compliance Requirements and Government Reporting
Once your organization has received a government grant; the hard work really begins. RootSource Fundraising has helped many clients with their government contract negotiations, compliance and reporting by:
writing and reviewing negotiation briefings ahead of time with management and program staff
developing lists and tracking charts for contract service deliverables to help with monitoring program progress and quarterly reporting
and creating internal reporting forms to assist development staff with the collection of contract deliverables information from multiple program departments.
We also have assisted clients with the organizing of compliance documentation for five-year Federal OMB A133 Audits.